Thursday, October 3, 2013

Teabagger Zombies, & To Deal, or Not to Deal Crack.

Teabagger Zombies, & To Deal, or Not to Deal Crack.

Brad Pitt:  Zombie fighter, humanitarian, and ridiculously hot.

Enraged and embarrassed by the government shutdown, I posted the following open letter on my Facebook page:

An open letter to the extreme right republicans and other obstructionist a-holes that, with increasing incidence over the past few days, have seemingly crawled out of their holes and rudely spewed their sickness all about the Internets and Congress: I'm not a doctor, however, based upon my own knowledge and experience, with a little help from Mr. Google & Mr. Wikipedia, I believe i can pretty accurately diagnose you with a case of chronic verbal/typed diarrhea. This terrible affliction may have been due to being what my Mom refers to as a "Shit-for-brains". I assume that stems from malabsorption of logical ideas and other information. Maybe there is a blockage in your common sensory receptors? In any case, I suggest you seek out some help. 
Hopefully you do not infect your friends or family before that time, you teabagger zombie.

To my initial delight, someone from my high school in Maine took the bait.  First, he told me I "sounded stupid" and warned me not to "believe the lies (of the media)" as if reading/watching any and all reporting from any major news outlet was resulting in me being brainwashed.  At first, it seemed like he was trying to save me from this EVIL conspiracy of the media.  But his true motivation soon surfaced: strike fear into people (tell them they're feeding themselves lie pie), and after they've gone on a lie pie hunger strike and are starving for truth, make them drink your own new "truths" tea.  This is the exact zombie model I was talking about in my post.  

zombie tea party  by Matt Mawson
Teabagger zombies drink a refreshing cup of "truth" tea

After identifying himself not with the Tea Party, but as a Libertarian, I began wondering what the difference was, and if there really is any.  From what I can tell, both political parties have severe trust issues.

Where does humanitarianism fit in with the Libertarian ethos?  Does it?  The closest thing I have found is here, with these guys 
(Also interesting that this group is seemingly comprised of lots of dudes)

There seems to be a very patriarchal theme with Libertarian thought in politics and theory.  I just don't get a sense of any motherly, nurturing qualities, and that is quite frankly, more frightening than zombies.  

The emphasis on mistrust leads to paranoid protectionist actions, like making your house a bunker.  In psychology it is also known as antisocial behavior disorder.

Libertarians endorse laissez-faire capitalism.  I wish I had an invisible hand to smack some sense into the person who believes in it.  Ayn Rand was a bougie bitch, and epitomizes what happens when rich people want to protect their shit from poor people.  
Not everyone is afforded the same opportunities.  
To believe such, especially in this day and (information) age is unfathomable to me.
However, I think my FB post zombie seems to believe that we are:

  • Keep in mind that I have worked very hard, and made sacrifices along the way to get where I am. I know I am in a better position than some but I believe they too could have achieved the same level of success if they only applied themselves and looked for opportunities with rewards.

What if I saw opportunities to make more cash, 
get ahead in the "game", but I didn't take them?  
Maybe I could have been Jay-Z, 
in which case I could proudly list selling crack on my resume.  
But, somewhere along the line, I fear my morals got in the way of all of the money entrepreneurial prowess of unfettered capitalism might have brought me, 
...if I had only carpe'd the crack.  
Maybe he's a Libertarian, since Jay-Z cites his favorite charity as himself: 
"...and this is going to sound arrogant, but my presence is charity. Just who I am,"  

Yeah, I just dissed Jay-Z.  Deal with it. Beyonce is next week.

We live in a society that encourages and champions narcissistic behavior.  
Unfortunately, they tend to succeed and often become your boss.  

I can't write any more about this.  My brain and my emotions are fried.

For additional brainwashing, I suggest reading:

Obamacare and the Conscience of a Radical

In which, once again, Mr. Ta-Nehisi Coates leads a thought-provoking dialog about this topic. How I wish I could initiate this kind of conversation, instead of the depressingly lowbrow chatter on the string of my post.

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